11th February 2016

Happy February!

I’m afraid the year seems to be passing by in a flurry of activity that has kept me from updating the blog – sorry should anyone have missed my witterings!

Basically I’ve been finishing of the proof edit for Cursed – out May 2016 and working on finishing the final draft of the 3rd book Bound due out May 2017. I’d actually finished the first draft last June and am now on draft 6. Then this morning on my final read through I suddenly came across something that I know will make Team JFB sit up and say “but – how, what, when, why?”, so I have to sort that out and this gave me a really good idea for something else to add. So every cloud and all that! Though sometimes I wonder how I ever get to work in one piece with all this stuff buzzing around in my head.

Another little project I’ve been involved in for the past week or so is writing a blog for the JFB website for Valentine’s Day, which is on the site now! http://www.jofletcherbooks.com/2016/02/09/top-ten-tuesday-the-second-favourite-romantic-moments-by-sue-tingey/ This will hopefully be followed by an excerpt from Cursed in a few days time.

For some reason Sam and Olivia, the lovely editor and publicist from JFB think I’m a romantic! Huh, did I show them – NOT! I think I actually proved them right. Drat and double drat – my reputation is in ruins. Anyhow, take a look at my Top Ten for Tuesday Romantic Moments and see if you agree – or not. I probably could have come up with a hundred if I’d had the time, but ten it is, though not in any particular order; that would have been far too complicated and I doubt I would have got it to poor Sam by Valentine’s 2017!

If you want to pass any comment you can contact me on Twitter @SueTingey

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